Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Columbus Weekend Continues....

So we managed to elude the hooks of the many pirates. And somehow managed to miss the Salem witches completely. But there was a quick box we needed to still get while in Lynn. A location dear to our hearts. We made our way over to the Lynn Cemetery to find the Golden Greek box. An early box of Lundy and Vicksters, but of interest because of the location. Of course we thought we figured out how to get into it - and quickly realized we were on the backside of the cemetery. We drove around a little bit and found what we thought was the correct entrance. But we're never that lucky. But we drove around for a bit. A what a cemetery this one is! At one point I jumped out of the car (barely giving Teacup a chance to slow down) so I could get out a look at the monuments and stones. A truly amazing place. So many fallen paid respect to. We wandered for a bit and then thought we ought to get back on track. So off we went in search of the entrance. Finding the entrance - we ventured until we found the box. Taking photos along the way. And in case we wouldn't happen upon another wonderful location... we opted to hide something here for someone special to seek out.

After stamping up the Golden Greek and planting a box we once again pulled out the maps to get our orientation correct. Off we drove to Andover. We were in desperate need of sweet tea so pulled into McD's for a refueling prior to heading off to our next destination. Only two boxes that we were seeking had a time frame wrapped into the clues. One was the MHL box by Choi, and the other was one we ended up not getting - but not for lack of trying, that's for sure. If you remember me referencing that big honking map that Teacup managed to get her hands on. It was through some phone calls and contact made to someone who worked in Moor and Mountain Sporting Goods. So Teacup wanted to go there one to get the box, but almost more importantly - to thank them for the help they gave her in her trip pre-planning. Because they also managed to get the out-of-print trail guide to the Andover parks.

So we drove through Andover - that a pretty impressive bell tower in the middle of town. At least we were beginning to think that after we drove past it for the fourth time! Unfortunately - we were never close enough that I could get a photo of it. But we maneuvered around town. Turned down a few wrong roads more than once. Managed to park at the library and hit it before it closed. Had to figure out the pieces to get the location. A beautiful library for sure! I thought folks would look at me funny if I kept taking photos - but I did manage to get one of the hot air balloon mural downstairs. After logging into that box - don't tell anyone cause we squatted in the teenagers only section to do it - we drove around a bit and found the home of Trillium of the Trustees by woodland wanderers. We are pretty sure this location is amazing in the spring and summer when the flowers are in bloom. During our visit it was a bit more quiet. But there were a couple of people in there having a quiet romantic picnic lunch and we were trying hard not to be the wasp's lunch!

We drove on looking for our next location. Ironically it was back down Essex Street. I think we circled this street and missed this street more often than anyone should have. But we had fun driving around - even if we did take the long road to get there. Found Speed Racer and listened as Andover made a touchdown. And yup - the extra point was good too! So after we managed to pick up all of these boxes - and slowly got our bearings about us - there's that bell tower again - we headed down to Goldsmith Woods to find out where Zack lived. We were in the mood to break the quilt code planted by Choi. So off we went, watching the sun as it started to dip a bit lower in the sky. We had no problems getting the first couple of boxes. Unfortunately we meandered along and found the home to one that we are pretty sure was not there. Continuing along further we found the intersection to Zack Way and his older house foundation. We picked up a couple more quilt patterns and opted to head out to Journey's End to get two boxes by snowdog. All along this route I kept thinking that I was hearing a little boy. But every time I'd look around - I couldn't find anyone. I thought maybe someone was canoeing or kayaking around the point we were traversing. So we moved along a bit farther. Keeping clues in hand and one eye on the dipping sun, we found The Rose and Little Wing and made our way back to pick up one box we missed along the way. We wanted to go out the opposite point to Find the lil and big bones by snowdog - but weren't sure if we had enough time. Once out at the end of Journey's End I almost jumped out of my skin when the source of the voice popped up of the water's edge. A father and son were doing a little afternoon fishing and the boy wasn't following the idea that loud voices scare the catch away!

Back we went towards the center of the trail. We picked up the quilt codes that we skipped in our effort to get to the point and back before we ran out of light. A quick decision had us heading out towards another point for those bones. But the sun, now moon was not working in our favor. We found the first box, but couldn't locate the second one. We made our way back to the trail to get us back to the trail head before the moon was high in the sky. The skies were clear and it was getting a bit cooler. We started down one path in hopes that we weren't taking the long way back - but got our bearings and quickly progressed out of the woods to the car.

Now most would think that our adventures were over for the day. But in the Team MudCup vehicle - the evening adventures were just getting started. Teacup booked a hotel room in Metheun with the thoughts that it was 3 miles north of Andover. So we started towards the hotel. Any idea what lies between Andover and Metheun? The sleeper town of Lawrence. Now Teacup does well driving the back roads of the state of Maine. But when she's caught in bumper to bumper traffic between lights in a town that has store fronts behind cages and people lingering and hanging of their front stoops - she's pretty close to meltdown time. The fact that they don't even blink when they jaywalk in front of moving traffic - or when car doors pop open next to the moving traffic didn't do anything to help calm Teacup down any. The fact that we couldn't get on the right road to begin with didn't help her nerves any either. We nervously laughed our way through Lawrence and finally made enough turns to end up on the road we needed to get us to the hotel.

We parked and registered and went to our room. Now a year ago - we were sleeping in one of 8 rooms in the Blueberry Motel. This year we were on the 4th floor of the Motel and trying to figure out why one of the two elevators didn't go to the 2nd floor. But at this one we did have internet access and they even had a restaurant. So after dumping our gear - we headed off to the restaurant for dinner. Once we found it - it was like a slap to our senses. The joint was JUMPIN! They were rocking to the oldies and dancing those O'Douls away! I knew a few of the songs, but not many. For Teacup it was a bit more of a stroll down memory lane. Those senior citizens were having one heck of a good time kicking up their heels, and there was one younger couple - that the lady just thrilled at spinning in circles. Gotta hove that skirt spinning as high as possible!

Now for those that know us - Team MudCup aren't real heavy drinkers - but we thought we'd slip into the mood and have a cocktail. I should have known we were in trouble when the waitress couldn't handle my drink order without having to write it down. Teacups Strawberry Daiquiri was easier to remember. We enjoyed our dinner. Teacup ordering Lobster Pie and I had Marinated Beef Tips. We contemplated dessert - but since it took so long for the waitress to return after clearing our plates, we opted to forgo it and head back to the room.

After showers and a quick check in to Atlas Quest - to make sure all of our friends still didn't know where we were - we had a quick plan of attack session for the following day. For the next day - we were attempting to take on Harold Parker State Park. So we looked at our maps, sorted through clues and stacked them on our clip board in the order we were going to attach them on Monday. And after watching the Next Iron Chef - we called it a night. For we had Dragons to slay on the 'morrow.

So Monday morning I woke up at 4am and needed to use the bathroom. Now this normally wouldn't be blog worthy - but it would seem that in MA - the toilets when flushed need to send the contents to Jupiter. They are loud and if you stand too close - will end up getting caught in the vortex. I was afraid of waking Teacup so avoided the lights - but the flush was alas, still very loud. I'm sure if you were anywhere near the area - you heard it : ) Back in bed, I clutched my marshmallow pillow and tried to get a little more sleep.

Around seven we both woke up and decided to get moving. We packed up our stuff and headed off in search of continental breakfast. We were pleased to find that this one had yogurt, bagels, eggs, bacon and waffles if we felt like cooking. We wouldn't have to sustain ourselves on instant oatmeal and packaged donuts. The coffee was drinkable and we felt rejuvenated for our days adventures. So we checked out and hit up a couple boxes in the area. Started our day off in another library - we quickly decided that the area cornered the market on bricks! There are so many big brick buildings in the area! Its amazing! A masons delight for sure!

Now since we were playing with witches and pirates on Sunday - we thought we ought to pay our penance and visit a church on Monday. So off we went in search of a couple of boxes at St. Basil's Seminary. Sister Mary Penguin was an instant hit with Teacup. But what I wanted to know was - who had to mow that lawn? Dodging the trees on that hill had to be more than slightly treacherous! Another beautiful location we were able to visit during our adventures. Thinking we had paid out sins - we went off in search of Witch's Pass. While we were there Teacups phone rang - scaring the socks off of us for an instant. Not that it was a scary location - but who was trying to find us while we were in MA?

Well - it would seem while I was running around looking for boxes - my step daughter was having a new baby boy. A couple weeks early - grandpa (Ron) was giving me a call to let me know I was a grandmother again. So we meandered out of the woods and headed off to a cemetery to find a DEF box. While here Teacup was very excited to find a horse chestnut tree. Now when I say excited - I mean excited. She was picking them up and stuffing her pockets full of them. Personally I didn't see the thrill. She assured me that there was a story behind them - but I never did hear it. Ahh well. So we found the box and were just looking at the map to find our way to our next boxes when the phone rang again.

We hardly ever get calls when we are out boxing - but two in less than an hour was just plain odd. But it was Jiffy looking for a phone a friend hint as to where my car was hiding since she was boxing in the Brunswick area. Alas, the box she was looking for was stuck somewhere in the postal system making its way back to Maine. The last finders forgot to hide it in the same place better than they found it. So it was being shipped back to me. So once that call was over - we headed south to find a frog out of water and an alien. Along the way we passed a Panera Bread. We had been deciding where to eat lunch prior to slaying dragons - as you need your strength to slay dragons. Decision made. So we found a frog and an alien and then treated ourselves to a lunch before heading off into the Dragon's Lair.

Now we had heard numerous tales about seeking out boxes in Harold Parker State Park. Everyone stressed the importance of bringing water and snacks in order to survive. If anyone knows us - one thing we often forget on most hikes is water. We have Sweet Tea in the car - but our hikes usually sadly lack hydration. So we are driving towards the park in hopes of finding a place to stock up before heading into the park for the afternoon. It was a little after 12 and we were planning on not coming out of the park until at least six pm. So we stopped and bought water, munchies and chocolate. What else could anyone possibly need?

We drove to our first launching point and headed off in search of dragons. The first couple were pretty easy. The weather was perfect, the terrain fairly moderate and no bugs were out as of yet. We passed a few people on foot, but mostly the people we passed were tearing up the paths on mountain bikes. All I could think of was that I hoped they all had lots of ice packs at home for when they were done! By the time we made it to the location of the teenager - we were caught by a whole troop of people. We took the stamp as far away from the hiding spot to stamp up - but there really wasn't any way to hide what we were doing. And as it turned out - we didn't really need to as the whole flock had been boxing with friends before - so they knew about the hobby.

They moved off down the trail and we went off after the last couple of boxes. While stamping up the final box - Teacup decided to go and seek out a different box. The clues eluded to an edgey overlook - and I opted to hug the treeline. I did log into a geocache we stumbled upon while looking for one of the dragons. I waited for a few minutes and then thought I ought to go find out what Teacup was doing. So I had her read me the clue, and I gave it a different spin. After she climbed up out of the hole, she was reaching into some locations looking for the box when her walking stick went sliding back down the hill. While Teacup scrambled back down to fetch her walking stick - I stamped us up and made everything to return to its hiding spot. After a near miss with a snake the day before - I didn't dare tell Teacup that had she stuck her hand in one crevice closer to where I was standing - she would have found a snake. But we had conquered the dragons. One the way out - we needed to seek out an added baby dragon planted by littlmoon.

Of course as we were getting ready to stamp into this box - I again heard voices. I think it was one of those days where voices just carried across the air really well. We ended up not seeing anyone, but we kept hearing voices. We had clues for two more boxes in the area - but two quick attempts to find the starting points had us scratching our heads and we wanted to head off to Sudden Pond to try our hands at some photo clues.

Back at the car we travelled to the opposite side of the park and started to head off a path when a wonderful man who must live locally stopped and talked with us for a moment. He gave us a much better map of the area before heading off down the road. We were going to try a four box series - but realized it was a 3 mile hike and we knew we didn't have enough time to do it and the photo clues. The photo clues were high on Teacup's list. So we turned around and headed off to Sudden Pond. Balancing a map, photo clues and three other sets of clues we headed into the location. We found the location of two boxes - but didn't stamp them up. We wanted to keep as much of the light as we could to try and find the photo locations.

We headed over to the bridge and the picnic area, the start of three of the series. We found the first in the Born Again series by woodland wanderers. We were balancing clues and heading off. I quickly knew that one series was heading in an opposite direction from the others - so I tucked that one away and tried to concentrate on the other one I had. Somehow I managed to get off pace with the clues just as Teacup found the location for the first photo clue. We were getting jazzed to find more of the two series. So Teacup was walking and looking at her map and her photos. All of a sudden she decided to stop and look into a fallen tree. And suddenly we started to understand the map a little better.

So now we were working our way around the pond looking for even more locations. Teacup realized we had lost too much daylight to get a good handle on the rest of the photo clues - so we opted to go off in search of more of the Dancin' Bears series (and no - I didn't know the name of the series until we were home.) We managed to find four of the boxes but I really wanted the rest of the Born to fly boxes. Teacup wanted to try and find one more of the dancin' bears and we still had to stamp up the two boxes we found on the way into the pond. The light was quickly disappearing again. Dang - in MA when you guys decide to shut the lights off - you do it fast! Well I made my way back to the location of the second box - hitting myself in the head as we had already been in the location when we first walked around the pond. I inked up the image and waited for Teacup to arrive with the logbooks. We stamped them up in the dark and opted to pass on the third box - which required us to backtrack to find a single picnic table that was no longer in place.

So we stumbled along the path back to the road. We managed to get the first box and made our way to the second box. Teacup's flashlight was quickly running low on candle power. We wanted the last of the series - but without a stronger flashlight and just a sliver of moonlight - we had no hope of finding the last box in that series either. So defeated - we went back to the car. Our adventures were almost over. We were now heading home.

We drove back through Andover one last time. Not once today did we see the bell tower we had passed at least 4 times the day before - so I never got my photo of it. We picked up 495 and needing a quick side trip to get a Sweet Tea boost for the ride home. We did learn that in MA - their Sweet Tea has a destinct taste that we do not really like. But luckily for us, we shortly saw the signs for NH and then we were crossing the bridge back into Maine. It was a quiet ride home. We had sore feet - and our shoes ended up being removed before too long. Teacups knee was beginning to throb, because evidently while she was in the Dragon's Lair - one of them kicked her in the butt and she got stuck between two rocks for a bit. We probably should have stopped sooner than we did - but how could we possible quit while there was still daylight?

Home earlier than we thought we'd be - we were tired and sore - but had close to 60 new images in our logbooks. We crossed over the border and we safely returned. We saw some beautiful locations, avoided getting pillaged by pirates, slaughtered some dragons and realized trying to juggle multiple clue sheets in an area you are un familiar with is probably not a good idea. I decided Harold Parker wasn't nearly bad as folks explained if you divide and conque the park in a somewhat orderly fashion. And even if we do carry water with us - we end up not drinking it - but we end up using it to clean stamps!

So here's to another great trip over a long weekend. And for those of you expecting to see those find notices from Teacup - you'll have to accept my comments as partially hers as well. Cause if you ask her - she was never over the border at all. And if you look in her logbook - you'll never see the images : ) Thanks guys - we had a great time in MA and we'll be back again. Sneaking in when you least expect to see us. But for now - we have to finish conquering those Maine boxes... for tomorrow we are off to Freeport and then....

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