Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Team MudCup's Adventures in Rhode Island

We woke up to a sunny, if breezy Monday morning.  Most people would have been enjoying lounging in bed - but we had an agenda.  And it involved coffee and hot cocoa.  And in all fairness - we had slept in trying to finish drying out from our foray into the deluge that was the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.  We slowly pulled ourselves together - gathered our belongs - and headed off in search for the elixir that soothes the morning beasts.

A quick stop at Dunkin, with hot beverages and muffins in hand - we plotted our first three destinations.  All were within a few miles radius of our hotel, so we wanted to pick those up first.  This will be important in a few minutes - so stick with me.  Now I had lived in Rhode Island 30 years ago so I had a distant memory of street names.  The problem was - back then I mostly took RIPTA (the bus system that can take you EVERYWHERE in Rhode Island.)  In fact - I didn't learn to drive until I was a junior in college and got my license in this fine state - where parallel parking is done on the left side of the street (much easier to do in case you are wondering.)

So as we ambled along some of the roads - they turned a dusty page in my memory.  But as most of northern RI shares all their street names - it wasn't much help.  As you can image - things have CHANGED.  But the GPS plotted our route and I blindly followed along.  Making a hasty left turn into a cemetery for personal pursuits of debauchery.  Once that had been laid to rest - we meandered along to our first box.  We found said box without issue - as thankfully the cemetery was not huge and we had picked the correct entrance on our first pass.  This is not always true.

After dutifully inking up, doing some box maintenance and replacing it in its hidey hole - we again left a token of our appreciation for the locals to find.  One thing we try to do - as we crash out of state locations - is try to leave something for the locals to find after we're safely back over the border in Maine.  Many times we also litter our way from box to box leaving HHs.  This was our mission in Rhode Island as well.  So another token was plotted and left for the northern RI boxers (though with the state only being 50 miles from tip to toe - those in the south will probably find them too.) and we continued on our journey to our next box.

This one gave us a bit of a chase.  Those little city pocket parks are sometimes hard to find - even if you live in the same town.  But the clue writer gave appropriate markers - and after a much required u-turn, we pulled in a started our quest. Like slayers of dragons we hopped sure footed onto the sidewalk and read the clues.  Now my toes were beginning to get chilly - I had only donned my slippers on the way out of the hotel.  Teacup often just wears her beloved "crocs" while out boxing - I thought I'd try to pull it off in my fleece lined slippers.  But not having a back to protect my heel - my tootsies were getting chilly.

Now here's is where I insert my 'ah duh' moment of our trip.  As we sat at Dunkin earlier - pulling clues together - Miss Teacup questioned me "Didn't we have more clue sheets?"  "Why yes we did, a red folder full of inky instructions to veritable gems hidden all over the state, why do you ask?"  "Where are they?"  "I don't know? I wonder if some miscreant took them as we slumbered in our hotel?"  "Well that's no fun.  I guess we'll have to do with your smaller list of inky quests."

So as Teacup stood at our latest quest - I thought I ought to at least put on some socks.  So I jumped out of the car and popped the trunk.  Not only was I missing my socks (I actually had some in my duffel bag as back-up) but I was missing my sneakers as well.  It was then quickly determined that in our haste to seek our morning elixirs - I had left behind the bag that had not only my 2 pairs of sneakers - but also the folder of clues.  So let me state - I apologize for thinking anyone in Rhode Island would sneak into my car for sheets of inky quests - but they were good ones - and in my early morning fog - it was the best answer I could come up with... next time we travel, Mom will check to make sure I don't leave anything behind - I promise.

This is where said GPS holds magical information - like the address of the hotel we had just left an hour earlier.  Pulled up from our 'recently visited destinations' list - we traveled down the roads we just came, back to the hotel to pick up my stuff.  Magically - earlier mentioned clues were safely tucked in the bag with my sneakers.  Many thanks to the hotel staff for being prompt at cleaning our room and having them at the front desk on our return visit.  So with a quick "thanks Mom, I'll try to look better next time," we plotted our third address.

Easily found, we pulled up next to a boxers front yard and pulled our stuff together.  Since we now had quests a plenty - we needed to up our game plan.  So we decided to divide and conquer.  Head south, pick up 3 possible quests - cross east over the bridge to the land of splendor and excess (also referred to as Newport by many) and then plot our way due north - back into the city for more inky goodness.  With the course set - we headed south.

Down to the lands of greener pastures, open spaces and hopefully missing the CT border.  But our destination seemed to be an exit in CT... with a quick look at our gazetteer - I quickly axed the notion of a CT visit today and took the last known exit in Rhode Island.  Happily - this did take us to a much sought our bear in the woods.  With the sun on our backs and not a moment to lose - we slayed that bear and returned him to his haunt.  After a required rest - and another drop off - this time for those southern boxers (and more than likely some very close by CT boxers) we headed back north.  There was sure to be a flat tire in our future.  But alas - we came up empty.

We ventured further, finally heading due east.  Rolling hills (not a one) and meandering corners (lots) had us ducking in and doing another quick u-turn.  It would seem - unknown by me - that we had a sassy little Delaware Chick along for the ride.  It would seem - she was in search of a dashing red head of feathered nature during this trip.  Well - we didn't think we'd find such a match amongst the tall ships and marbled features of Newport - so we set out for a more like location to host a meet-and-greet.  After making sure our sassy passenger had found a satisfactory place to roost... we continued into Newport.

So glad it was after Labor Day weekend... because the traffic was starting to pick up.  But first, up and over the bridge.  Then up and over another bridge (the toll taker was very sweet at mentioning that he had just returned from visiting Maine the previous weekend - Teacup kindly invited him back) and down into Newport.  A quick turn and we had to divert.  Dead people call to us.  We feel the magnetic pull of the tombstones.  They speak to us in their own way and we find comfort in visiting with them.  Evidently so did a bunch of kids on bikes as they were making passes back and forth and we had to keep a sharp eye to avoid picking up and extra wheel along our journey.  Our tire guy doesn't like it when we find a spare!

We drove - okay crawled - tortoise slow - down the main drag of Newport Harbor.  Fall shoppers were everywhere loading up their credit cards with highly (un)necessary purchases and sipping mint juleps on restaurant balconies while us lowly folk tried to make our way out of traffic.  Amazingly enough - a kind driver from MA (I know, huh?) let us merge in front of him so we could take a drive along clubhouse row (Bellevue Avenue for those not in the know.)  Now when I visited the mansions more that a few hundred fortnights ago - you could park in front of the houses you toured - it would seem now that they are are a hotly pursued destination best reached by trolley service.  And had we been lingering long enough to do such - we might have - but we continued along.  We took the road to one section of the Cliff Walk - and quickly thought better of it.  Love those tight u-turns with everyone piled up waiting to do the same dance steps we had just done.  And other than that missed stop sign - we start to find our wait out of Newport.

The one way streets would be a slight hassle - but we finally made it out - tail between our tires and pointed the GPS north bound to Seekonk.  We were heading in the right direction - with thoughts of finding something new and unique to eat.  Do you have any idea how many Subway and McD's are around when you are NOT looking for them?  They are freaking everywhere.  Alas - somehow along the way - I missed a much needed exit and we ended up heading to Fall River.  Now as much as I enjoy Fall River in the springtime... a fall trip there was just not in our plans.  And the added suggestion that Cape Cod was just a hop-skip-and a jump further did not enlighten my mood.  I was beginning to get a headache, I needed a bathroom and I was getting hungry (Reason number one why we usually start our day with a big breakfast - because by the time we realize we've missed lunch - it's dinner time!)  The coffee and muffin from 7am was just not cutting it any longer.

So after a quick deliberation, and Teacup's ever so slight nod of approval - we opted to cut out Seekonk and a return trip to Providence and chart homeward instead.  Once we managed to get northbound - or at least heading towards Boston, we pulled off for a comfort stop - mind you the gas we picked up and the liquid we left behind were only two things required to make us truly happy.  We did concede to snacks to tie us over to 'real' food... and set forth north once again.  When signs sounded hopeful - we pulled off - only to find the closest thing to real was Wendy's.  I don't mind Wendy's and I love their Strawberry lemonade... so it filled the requirements with burgers and fries - not healthy Bean options - but when in Taunton...

Back heading north and the traffic was picking up.  Well getting busier - because we were actually slowing down not going faster.  And at times we were at a dead stop.  Probably a good choice to head home when we did - as it would seem it was going to take us much longer than anticipated.  We continued along - finally making it to the tunnel.  Now heading south - we were able to zip through with relative ease.  It was a little busier - and thus a LOT more stressful for Teacup heading home.  The continual honking folks insisted on doing had her almost out of her skin by the time we reached the end.  But we made it - and then my GPS went tip-top crazy.  It wanted us to take Route One home.

While yes - Route One is a lovely Sunday drive on a slow day in December - I can only describe it as a choice of insanity on a sunny fall day in October.  Thankfully I took my sanity pills earlier (Smartfood popcorn in case you were wondering) and stayed on I-93 until it ran out.  Or MA decided to close it.  But now everyone wanted to be on I-95.  And when I say everyone - I mean everyone.  Most of whom were less than patient about it... but I stuck to the back side of the ambulance in front of us - just in case their services were needed prior to getting through the mess.

Not sure what had been happening north of Boston over the weekend (did Boston evacuate due to Matthew???) because EVERYONE was heading south into the city.  And those lanes were bumper-to-bumper all the way to the NH/Maine border.  We did pull off in NH - as Teacup had to meet up with a whole fleet of grey haired stateswomen for some directions on fall traveling.  But nothing can make a couple girls happier than when we have to pay that $3 toll to return home once again.  Making it home by 6pm had our families concerned that we were not feeling up to par.  But it did feel good to be home.  After dropping Teacup at home, I pulled into my driveway.  Grabbed a few things and had to laugh.  There in the back seat were Teacup's beloved crocs.  Upside - she can walk to my house from hers without the need of the GPS to retrieve them.

So while we enjoyed our couple days over the border - we were glad to be home once again.  Next stop - we are heading due northeast.  Let's see if a trip inside the state can rack up more miles than one outside of Maine (464 miles if you are curious.)  But for now... I'm kicking my feet up and reading the rest of my book.  Another vacation trip success story complete.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Team MudCup goes to the Zoo

In Rhode Island no less!  For months we've been toying with a visit to our tiny little neighborhood state.  But do you know what that means?  Crossing through one state to even get there.  And top of that - which Teacup probably didn't know before she finally said yes to the trip - was we had to drive through Boston - and the tunnel!

So we plotted.  We printed clues... had folders of them.  For such a tiny state - they sure do cover every bit with those hikes!  Knowing we had a limited amount of time - and we do like to get a variety of images from a variety of folks - we had to limit ourselves to drive-bys and strolls.  There just wasn't enough time to pick up everything we wanted.  But we had enough clues if we got stuck there for a week!

So we gathered up our gear.  Gassed up the alternate MudCup mobile (the official one can only handle one state line crossing) and set off.  Now - we know our habits - so to be on the safe side - we stopped at 6am at IHop for breakfast prior to hitting the state line.  Good thing to - because once we got started - we didn't want to stop for lunch!  Now - all week we'd been tracking the hurricane.  It was toying with us.  We were going, then we weren't. Then it seemed like the hurricane was going to corkscrew off Florida and the northeast would be spared.  Okay - we can go... and as we departed IHop - the rain started.

We drove on and the rain was consistent - but not heavy enough to cancel.  Heck - we've boxed in thunderstorms and blizzards, a little rain was not going to prevent us from getting animal themed ink.  We made it over the first border... even over the second into MA without any incidents.  Traffic was very light - seems folks tend to sleep in on a Sunday morning.  We headed for the tunnel and Teacup started to get a bit anxious... but traffic was light and we made it back out into the rain without incident.

Welcome to Rhode Island... three states away from home and things started to get a bit dicey.  The rain was getting a bit heavier and my GPS didn't seem to understand one-way streets and streets closed for what I later learned was supposed to be a parade - which ended up getting cancelled due to the rain (lightweights in our opinion.)  So after navigating - and giving a 30 year old commentary of some of my old college haunts - we finally made it into the zoo.  We had 20 minutes until the zoo opened - so we took a ride through Roger Williams Park.  Now this was where the heartier souls were hanging out.  A road race was in progress - and there were walkers, runners, baby carriages and wee folks all out in the morning rain.  We navigated around them and enjoyed our rainy views.

Back to the parking lot - we finally entered the zoo... picking up a couple maps - we headed off in the direction of the Educational Center as the event had been driven inside due to the rain.  It wasn't too cold - but the rain does reek havoc on logbooks :)  We registered and started stamping up event boxes.  So many great images from events in previous years to choose from.  We tried to get a sampling as we waited out the rain.  But it would seem - the rain was not going to let up any time soon.  (We'd later find out that the hurricane had changed it's course again - and the northeast managed to pick up a pretty heavy band of rain - YEAH!!!  Good for the drought conditions - bad for logbooks.)

We were sitting quietly stamping up images and enjoying the dry conditions when a local visitor started to approach.  Now - when you are at a zoo, one would expect to see animals.  And when it's hosted by a zoo keeper - you might even expect to see a few visit up close.  Well... there are some animals Teacup would just as soon NEVER and I mean NEVER like to see - under ANY conditions.  So when I happened to mention that there was a snake heading her direction - and we were stamping up animals - she mistakenly thought I meant a stamp.  So when the woman approached Teacup with what Teacup described as a "BIG FREAKING ANACONDA!" you can imagine the table moved.  I quietly explained that my friend didn't particularly like snakes (a gross understatement) and the woman tried to convince Teacup that it was just a small friendly snake - I have no idea what type - as I was trying to keep Teacup from running BACK TO MAINE at that point.  She finally got the hint and moved along.

The crowd was small - but everyone seemed excited to get inky.  And everyone was so helpful - they helped us figure out the clues so we would have a fighting chance (lack of smart phones - this will be a problem again later.)  But we had a fighting change of finding the stamps - and after quickly downing a turkey wrap shared by Nittany (Teacup stuck with the Reeces) we gathered up the essentials - happy to leave all our extra gear and headed out with our black ink pad, clues, map and logbooks tucked in Ziploc bags.  With one hand clutching umbrellas - we headed out.  Teacup navigated our journey - directing us in through buildings and around the animal exhibits.  Some animals wanted to just sleep through the rain - the moon bears and red panda wanted nothing to do with the rain - while others seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.

Boxing in the rain - did prove to be a bit challenging.  But between our two umbrellas, tucked between our shoulders and chin, pulling out logbooks, opening up pouches and fishing ink out of pockets while standing in strange positions to keep everything dry - we managed to get through our first few boxes.  We struggled a bit in the Adaptation building... but with a little bit of assistance we managed to get our bearings and found what we needed.  We then headed out and down around the corner - finding a few more.  The boxes by the Moon Bear gave us issues - so we headed forward - thinking we'd try again after we found some more on the list (and with an assist from Nittany, we found the two we missed later.)

We visited with a majestic eagle who seemed not impressed by the rain and danced around quickly forming mini lakes along the paths.  Some we didn't miss and our toes were starting to get a bit wet.  But we ambled along.  We visited with a red panda who on our first visit wanted to sleep through the rain - but on our second pass by decided to show his face - but got quickly bored with the photo session and gave us his back.  Time to move along.  We headed along the path and visited a few more animals.  Some willing to come out of hiding - others not so much.  Clearly - for many we had hit nap time.  As we were not starting at the beginning - but the middle/end of the clues - there were times when we weren't exactly sure which way to head next.  But we meandered along and picked up a few more images visiting with the red wolf and then stopping to go inside to find the giraffes.  After snapping some photos, we went off to watch the Harbor seals.  Every time I tried to get a photo of them - all I got was their back end - they move much faster than my camera focuses!

So we headed off to the Outback Trail.  Here we visited the flamingos who were perched in their pond heads tucked in - not too thrilled by the rain and clearly not interested in visiting with us so we headed off into Tropical America.  I entered first - and after our encounter in the event center - I cautioned Teacup to NOT look LEFT and just move forward.  It was STEAMY in the building and being as wet as we were - I felt like we were in a sauna.  With a few muggles to wait out - it took a bit to pick this one up before we could once again head outside (avert your eyes Teacup!) and went back to the Conservation Cabin - which amazingly enough eluded us the first pass.  The building did not present as what I would describe as a 'cabin' in nature - so we originally walked right past it.  The only way we found it was by having fellow boxers clue us in - thanks Viena for the assist!  We decided to head back to event central for the raffle and to pick up a new set of clues and a dry map... both of ours were quickly disintegrating from the rain - its very hard to keep multiple pages dry when you are trying to hold them, an ink pad, a pouch, a stamp and an umbrella with only two hands!

Back at event central, we tried to dry everything off after assisting our next interactive visitor through the door.  Seems a friendly little armadillo was coming to play.  With his schedule of visiting hospitals and nursing homes we were glad he could fit us into his schedule.  So after finding about the armadillos busy schedule - we moved on to those raffles - there were some beautiful items.  Teacup managed to win some very large slabs of pink stuff and new carving tools (and two more - which she respectfully declined)... I came up empty handed - but the money raised went towards helping out the cheetahs.  So with a second set of dry clues and a dry map - off we headed after bidding our hostess a thank you and good event.  First stop - the gift shop - it hosted a box :)  Then we went back to visit our moon bears - who had decided enough was enough and were no longer out playing in the rain... back past that frisky red panda, and another pass by the eagle.  We stopped to take photos of elephants splashing in their pool.  And headed off towards the cheetahs.  Well - Teacup did, I stopped to press a penny then had to yell out to find her.  She had moved along to try and navigate the clues around the Aoudad - and since we didn't see one - I still have no idea what it is - and their path was a lake on both ends.  Squish, squish!

We made it over to the tree house - where we came up MIA on one of the boxes :(  Played in the tree house - okay I did while Teacup stamped up our image and then we moved along.  We were running out of time and needed the last couple images.  Stopping to take photos of all the pumpkins - I'm still wondering, did Ashley say yes???  We'll never know.  So we moved along to the photo booth - where some folks were stamping up the image inside the booth.  There was a young couple waiting - clearly NOT letterboxers - so we took the stamp across the path to the wall and let them get their photo taken in the booth (which we were told was very dry inside.)  Getting the last box proved to be my downfall.  Getting to the end, and lacking any sort of attention span - I stepped right in the middle of the lake protecting the box.  I had been directing Teacup mostly successfully around them while she read the clues throughout the day - but nope - I missed this one completely.  One soaked foot!  Good thing it was our last box.  We headed back to the car where we needed to meet up with Nittany to do a rescue mission and a stamp hand off for Letterboxer's Christmas event - you are all joining us, right?

So after that - we THOUGHT we'd try the boxes planted around the park.  Teacup and I looked at each other and agreed - time to find the hotel.  We made it safely to the hotel - not missing our exit this time... registered and headed up to the room.  With Doherty's Ale House in walking distance - we left the car keys in the room and walked over in the rain - we were already wet... so it's not like we would get that much wetter.

It was early - and the Pats game had ended - so the Ale House was pretty quiet.  We perused the cocktails (we are not Ale girls) and I picked out a Falling for You Cider and Teacup picked out something with muddled blueberries and bourbon.  In my head I questioned her choice - but let it go - maybe she was feeling in the mood for a bourbon cocktail (considering she's never drank bourbon before - I wondered.)  It took a while for our drinks to arrive - seems the bartender had to go out back and pick the berries before they could be muddles and put in the snifter with the bourbon... now upon its presentation to the table in said snifter - I thought Teacup might be in over her head - snifter generally denotes LACK of mixers... and I was correct.  That baby was going to be strong... evident when Teacup started to breath fire after the first sip.  Her eyes rolled slightly backwards and she tried to catch her breath.  I took a sip of mine - fall splendor in a glass over ice.  A prefect mixture of cranberry vodka, spiced pear liqueur and cider over ice.  Served with a slice of apple.  It was wonderful.

We ordered after pondering what I can only describe as an eclectic ethnic mixed menu.  I can't remember seeing so many food styles and ethnicities on one menu... clearly they would have failed my college menu creating class. But Teacup picked out a steak sandwich and I stuck with a burger.  Our waiter, Michael noticed Teacup's lack of interest in her cocktail and replaced it with a Falling for You Cider and made Teacup happy.  He divulged to us that even the bartender questioned the likability of Teacup's selection.

We finished up our meal with Teacup getting her dessert to go - and I drank mine :)  Back at the room - we found a news channel and learned that we probably boxed during the deluged that went through the state.  Took showers and settled in for the night to let the rest of the rain pass while we thought about our plans and hoped for better weather on Monday.  Not sure when Teacup ate the cake - but she didn't bring it along the next day - so she must have enjoyed it while I was in the shower.  But for now - we can put to bed another successful event for Team MudCup.  I wonder what the rest of the state has to offer us tomorrow?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Good Friends and Plan Changes

So - for me it's vacation week.  And lucky for me Teacup is my friend... because she is willing to go to random places that she's already been to help me get some boxes of that very long Maine box list (I need 450, she need 96!)  So she is willing to go to places she's already been.  I do try to make sure that wherever we go - we do try and get something that's on both our lists... but with her only needing 96 - its HARD!  (Plug to Maine boxers - Teacup list is WAYYYY too short.)

So when I mentioned a day trip - and she needed a box in Carrabassett Valley - and we both needed a box in Wilton and a couple in Jay - she happily said she was game for a day trip.  Little did she know that I'd come up with a CRAZY idea over breakfast.  And as I mentioned it to her - her eyes started to roll slowly to the back of her head.  But it was early - 6am early... and without the added will power of her first cup of tea - she agreed to my misadventure.

So after we finished our breakfast and knew we were set for our morning of boxing - off we went.  Plugging in our first stop - Jackman, Maine!  Now if none of you have ever been to Jackman - there is only ONE ROAD to get there and back.  One.  You can't get anywhere from Jackman except maybe Canada (15 miles further) which was NOT an option for Teacup... if you think she doesn't like boxing out of Maine - start mentioning the Canadian border - it's not a pretty sight :)  And it takes approximately 2 hours to get there... just to pick up a box.

But she agreed... and off we trekked. The drive was long - and we actually ran out of things to talk about - which never happens.  But we did pick up a box along the way, then checked on another that was surprisingly still viable after 6 years.  Further north we drove... watching the temperature and driving through banks of thick morning fog.  The weather folks (Tom Johnston specifically) promised a sunny day... but we were doubting him.  But the temperature slowly climbed the further we went north and the fog did indeed burn off (granted we were up in the mountains - so it didn't have far to go to burn off.) and the views were spectacular!  Jackman - and all of 201 was at foliage peak.  And Mother Nature had done a fine job with her paintbrush in the area.  The colors were vivid as we drove north along the river.  The sun making the colors pop in their brilliance.

Along the way - we passed a group of 'town elders' gathered outside a local store - clearly it was the town meeting in progress.  We thought about stopping and asking to be put on their agenda - but figure it would just confuse the locals - so we continued north.  We drove through Moscow - and there was something we've come to love finding along our random routes - a wall of birdhouses!  And they were in all sorts of colors, shapes and sizes.  A wonderful random expression of art along our route!  We finally made it to Jackman - and navigated to the box.  Afterwards we needed a pit-stop to fill up on gas and grab a juice...

Jackman was lacking locals - in fact - everyone around us was from Canada : )  And they were all heading south.  Probably getting one last trip into the state before our borders get locked up after November 8th - not that that would actually happen - but Canadians were clearly making sure they got that fall trip in, just in case.

So we opted to continue south - after all we still needed to get to Carrabassett Valley... we stopped at the overlook to take in the view... (Later I will realize why having a smartphone could be an asset) then a bit further - passing the troll on a stick and a frog on the pole... stuck behind a chain of vehicles (all with Canadian plates) heading south.  Folks would pull over to take those required shots of the fall colors and then move along.  We stopped to take photos of the birdhouses before trying our luck at something in Moscow that Teacup vaguely knew the clue to - but the box had been out for 12 years - so after some random digging around - we opted to move along.

We stopped at the historic location where Benedict Arnold and his army made landfall before crossing further north into Canadian.  And did a few u-turns as we took a look at a few spots where we thought things might be stuck.  Now we realize when a location is listed as along 'Route such and such' that you should probably believe it - but when given the option of avoiding a city and cutting off a section - we'll take that 'A' option instead.  So while we needed a box on 201 - our first trip through we missed it because we jumped on 201A.  Because the GPS didn't come up with the location at all... and looking at our map - we figured the scenic overlook would be along the river - not in the middle of land.  Guess what - we were WRONG.  On the upside - as soon as we found it on our return trip south - we recognized it as some place we'd already visited before for a box.  Happily - this time there wasn't a wedding in progress - but we were there with LOTS of Canadians ;)  Fortunately for us - they were too busy checking out the 'scenic view' to notice Teacup heading in and out of the woods :)

So another box under our belt and we were finally off to Carrabassett Valley.  Before we could get close - we thought we were going to need an emergency run to the store to pick up some eye bleach! It was hard to miss - but there on the front lawn of a house was a human dressed as a zebra that was quickly molting out of their hide - I can not make this stuff up... the only thing missing was the clown make-up or the fact that we weren't at Walmart at 3am!  But I digress.

We got to our destination and headed out on the trail at 12:50.  The sun was high in the sky and the weather perfect.  But we were prepared - because it was fall in Maine, the sun sets early - in the mountains the weather can change without notice and we were heading out on a section of the Appalachian Trail... famous for eating hikers whole :)  We had snacks, water, bananas, clues, charged cell phones and blazes.  Even if they were the wrong color.  But the clues were 6 years old and the paint looked relatively new.  Now if only the person with the spray paint had brought a chainsaw - maybe our trip would have started out better (having to climb over 3 downed trees should have been a tell.

But we ventured on - because this is one of 96 boxes on Teacup list.  And the only way to remove it - is to attempt it.  So we scrambled forward.  Bushwhacking to try and find blazes - but only finding hoof prints - we trudged along.  Over rocks, under trees, across boggy moss, then 25 feet of actual trail.  The blazes were sketchy - but Teacup was able to find enough to trudge forward (she did have chalk with her and added a few of her own so we could get back to the car!  Pays to be a previous scout parent!)  We continued along, down the trail, down and over fallen debris, around more crap and reached a river... well it wasn't much of a river as we haven't had rain in ages... but it was a river of uncertain rockage.

So it's at this point that Teacup and I start to question our sanity.  I can't afford to break a leg trying to navigate to the other side of the river and up the hill that's less than pleasant - and she's part billy goat.  Besides - if she doesn't get to where she thinks the box is actually located - it stays on the list.  I know my limits - I'm terrified of falling - even more afraid of hitting bottom - and KNOW - that if I did get hurt - Teacup would have to save herself because she wouldn't have been able to get me out (but she could save my logbook!)  So we had a slightly heated debate about her going forward - we felt we were more than half way to our needed location - and me waiting behind.  After more than a few exchanges - she reluctantly agreed to head across.  I found a cushy spot of dry moss and proceeded to wait her out.  I texted a few friends, chatted with Christopher about what he was doing and made Mainekokopellian a little jealous as he was holed up at the office while we were out in the great Maine outdoors.

Teacup asked for 5 minutes, her 5 minutes is sometimes a much random time frame.  I was giving her thirty minutes and then I was going to call her on her progress.  Twenty-five minutes into my time frame - she made her way back across the river.  No luck - but off the list.  Too much damage, too much uncertainty - but a pretty educated guess that she was in the right location.  So I gave up my seat so she could rehydrate... and we headed back to the car.  The trails sucked as much on the way back as they did on the way in... and at one point Teacup offered me her walking stick.  I clearly suggested that might not be a safe option for her and for her to hold on to it :)

We finally heard cars.  We knew we'd make it out alive!  We both agree that we do not understand how anyone who thinks hiking the AT is fun????  Those trails are the succubus of all trails.  Also - with so many folks going missing on them (because not every section is clearly blazed) - we wondered why the AT Boundary signed didn't have QR Codes on each of their signs.  Then hikers could check into more locations with a quick scan of their phone.  Can someone mention to that to whomever maintains the trails?  And maybe someone could get a chainsaw and cut down those first 3 downed trees as well?  Maybe even clear the trail to an actual trail instead of bushwhacking?

But back to the car - no box :(  Sad pandas... so off we drove to our next spot.  Ice cream!  It was only an hour away... but we felt we deserved it - and it was past lunch - and we survived the AT - so all things  lined up as hopeful and as we made our way into Farmington - we pulled into Giffords for a couple sundaes (they were closing in 3 days for the season - and I was just beginning to want ice cream as it was finally cool enough to eat it again - even if it was 76 degrees in October!)  With sundaes in tow - off to search out a cemetery box.  A quick find later - we went off to Jay to get our last 2 boxes.  We had attempted them before - but the trails had been under maintenance since their planting in May.  And after our previous attempt - we felt we had a better handle on their locations.

In we went, meandering down the trail - and run straight into the trail maintenance crew.  Great!  How are we supposed to get the last two boxes without tripping over them?  So we took a side trail - in hopes it would work out to what we needed.  Nope, not for the second box.  But we did get the third and were able to log into the logbook.  So - not wanting to tip off the grounds crew of boxes being on the trail - we opted to head off the trail.  This did not make Teacup happy.  But we resigned ourselves to having to come back a third time for the middle box.  But then I had an idea - we could get to the middle box by remote access (from the road) - so we drove through the construction zone and entered via the ATV trail.  After just a few minutes - and no sightings of the locals - we found the box!  Woohoo!

Needing to get home - we ran back to the car (so we could catch the flow of traffic while we could) and started to head home.  We had a long day under our butts and some lovely images for our troubles.  But the best part - was enjoying the misadventure with a friend.  Even if she did roll her eyes at me - we had a good day.  And with any luck - our trip to Rhode Island will be even more fun!